President Obama is a Muslim, Sharia Law is taking over, Health Care reform will mean death panels, crime is rampant on our borders, Americans don't want gays to serve in the military, Obama has raised taxes more than any other president, these are just some of the out right lies spread by the right wing conservative propaganda machine and believed by many Americans. These are clearly lies, so why do they seem to gain traction in the media and why do so many Americans begin to believe them? I believe it's the domination of news media by conservative cable news and talk radio. But how can that be? Haven't we all been told that the media is dominated by liberals? Read on.
For years I've watched the conservative right, howl about left leaning media. I've heard Rush, Beck, Malkin, GOP pols (I won't even mention the twit from Wasilla) and just about every person who votes Republican go on and on about liberal dominance in the media. Generally speaking I never really saw it. To be fair this could very well be because I lean liberal on many issues. Though I like to think I can be impartial it's possible that I see the world through progressive eyeglasses and therefore don't see the bias which they whine incessantly about. It wasn't until I started to see the huge ratings for Fox News and Rush Limbaugh that I began to really wonder if there is a liberal bias at all or if maybe the conservatives are playing one of their favorite games, "we're the victims, liberals are big meanies".
Over the past few weeks I've scoured the internet looking for ratings and polls concerning cable news. As you'll find the majority of Americans get their news from cable news so this was the logical place to search. With each poll or ratings or article, I'll have a link to the original for you to read and verify. Strap yourself in, it's time for a little myth busting.
A recent poll by Politco/GWU shows that 80 % of Americans get their midterm political news from cable news channels and their websites. This shows just how dominate cable news is over all other forms of media when it comes to politics. Fox news was the big winner with 42%, followed by CNN with 30% and MSNBC with 12%. Of the three, Fox is clearly conservative. If you doubt that than there's no point in me trying to convince you, please go to the Drudge Report and continue your indoctrination. MSNBC is the most liberal by far, but to be fair the network does have conservative show hosts and they do not run a 24 hour news cycle like Fox or CNN. The one in the middle here is CNN. Despite what extreme right wingers might say, they are apolitical. Meaning they do not take sides. No matter, for in this debate, Fox news is the clear winner when it comes to shear numbers. Their influence can not be denied.
Let's stick with cable news television. On a typical weekday night during prime time, here's the numbers, Fox News 2,270,000, CNN 343,000, MSNBC 867,000! Fox News dominates MSNBC almost 3 to 1! Even if you add CNN and MSNBC it's a 2 to 1 domination. So, can we all agree that when it comes to cable news, conservatives dominate? Again, if you can not see and concede this fact, please click on the link and continue to be zombieized.
Now we'll turn our attention to talk radio. Surely, liberals must dominate talk radio. I mean we've all heard conservatives crying about liberals all over the media. I've just proven that at least on cable news conservatives dominate, so surely it must be in radio where liberals and progressives reign supreme? Er, no. Sorry, it get's worse.
Of the top ten politically based talk radio shows out there conservatives hold the the first nine spots. There are a total of 15 radio talk shows in the top ten, this is due to several being tied in ratings. Rush Limbaugh leads the way with 15 million weekly listeners, followed closely by Sean Hannity at 14 million. It's not until you reach the tenth spot do you find progressive radio shows. There are four each with 2.5 million weekly listeners. That means the top four progressive shows still don't equal the number of listeners of Rush Limbaugh. In fact if you add them all up you'll find conservative radio reaches approximately 80 million listeners compared with just 10 million progressive listeners. Conservative talk radio not only leads progressive shows, it crushes them.
I think we've smashed the myth of liberal news domination once and for all. It is clear that conservatives dominate political news by an amazingly huge margin. What this means of course is they can with one voice get their message out to the public in a monopolistic fashion that I doubt anyone really understands.
In the first paragraph I illustrated several lies spread by the right and believed by many Americans. I also asked why. So far I've showed you how great and vast the right wing propaganda machine is. Now I'll attempt to show you why it's effective.
Obviously, if 100 million or more Americans hear the same message weekly that has to have some effect. If you generally only listen or watch conservative media and you hear the same message day in and day out, such as Obama is a Muslim, it's conceivable that eventually you will begin to believe it. If you hear anything often enough, the message becomes part of your subconscious. Let's try a little exercise to illustrate this point. Try to finish each sentence; "Have a coke and a _____" or "Baseball, hotdogs, apple pie and _____" or this last one, "Where's the ____?" think old lady. How did you do? Despite the fact that the oldest commercial was 35 years old and the youngest was 26 years I bet you got one or all of them, why? Being popular you were inundated with their message. You saw them on tv, heard them on radio and read them in magazines. You were exposed to these messages hundreds if not thousands of times and now, after at least 26 years they're a part of your subconscious. This is similar to what the conservatives can do. By dominating both cable news and talk radio and by sending the same message, 24 hours a day, seven days a week for months at a time their message becomes part of the subconscious and then the conscious mind of their listeners and viewers.
A recent study of smear campaigns by Michigan State University psychologist, Spee Kosloff, was conducted. Here's an excerpt from the article:
There's something beyond plain old ignorance that motivates Americans to believe President Obama is a Muslim, according to a first-of-its-kind study of smear campaigns led by a Michigan State University psychologist.
The research by Spee Kosloff and colleagues suggests people are most likely to accept such falsehoods, both consciously and unconsciously, when subtle clues remind them of ways in which Obama is different from them, whether because of race, social class or other ideological differences.
These judgments, Kosloff argues, are irrational. He also suggests they are fueled by an "irresponsible" media culture that allows political pundits and "talking heads" to perpetuate the lies.
"Careless or biased media outlets are largely responsible for the propagation of these falsehoods, which catch on like wildfire," said Kosloff, visiting assistant professor of psychology. "And then social differences can motivate acceptance of these lies."
Notice the last two paragraphs. He doesn't say Fox news or mentions conservatives and I'd agree. It starts with the conservative media machine and with their 100 million ears (and dollars) other news organizations pick up the story. Anyone remember what happened to Shirley Sherrod?
It's almost a form of brain washing. First they terrorize you with outrageous stories of how Democrats are going to let immigrants take your job, or let Muslims install Sharia law at ground zero or allow gay service members to wear pink hats while on duty or whatever ridiculous thing they come up with, then, using the massive media propaganda machine they possess they smother their viewers with the same message incessantly until the viewers believe it's true. Once that happens the lazy general media picks up the story until CNN has a right winger frothing at the mouth screaming about pink hats and the Democrat pundit stunned, asking, "I thought we were here to talk about job growth?"
The right wing conservative propaganda machine is real and it's terrifying. They can make reasonable Americans believe the unreasonable. It's real, it's out there and it's coming for you.
or maybe people do listen to the progressive crap and understand it just fine...
ReplyDeleteYou obviously put a lot of heart into this article and KUDOS for that..But, when you describe dominate I think you are referring to the amount of listeners to a conservative venue, and not "Hey there is more right wing newspapers than left wing newspapers!" Which is what I believe is meant when some one describes the domination of liberal news as the amount of news resources not ratings. So, WHY are the conservative talk shows in the top nine? Why are their ratings sky high? You say it is because of the perpetual 24 hour stream of conservative news, and that is a valid point as to changing perceptions,(ad companies as you mentioned have been doing it since copywriters were invented). 24 hour programming of the same story over and over does have an affect on perception no matter what the issue. But again, why are so many Americans tuning into conservative talk shows and news in the first place? There has to be a reason. Historically news agencies have always been used for political messages and usually reflect the owners personal views, that is not new. The verbiage of the Kosloff piece is subjective and not even scientific, and shows his and the authors bias right off, assuming the right is "Drivel" and "falsehoods". The reason the conservative machine is so big is because average Americans (it would be an insult to suggest they are simple minded, kinda what your article implies) and Dems are leaning more right or flat out switching sides. I could explain why, but that would require a blog of my own.
ReplyDeleteFirst thanks for reading the piece. I didn't want to get into why rwc media is so high. At least not in this piece, mostly due to the length of the article and not wanting to bore anyone. I'll probably get into it in another blog post. One thing for certain, it's not because there are more rwc people out there. Polls and elections bear that out. I have some theories but at this point that's all they are.
As for the Kosloff piece, what I linked to was an article referencing the study. The study was launched prior to the presidential election therefore there was no way he would know Obama would be president. In this article he was using current news to illustrate the points in the study.
Lastly, you make reference to the reason why rwc media is dominant. It is completely false to suggest it's because there are more rwc in America. Registered Dems and Rep are generally the same. So we can look to polls and/or elections for guidance. With few exceptions Dems have controlled congress for over a century. Without counting I believe GOP presidents held office longer over that span. So with that in mind, Dems and GOP or folks that lean either way are generally equal.
I sincerely appreciate the time you took to read and write your comment. Thanks, Shayne
Good piece Shayne. The analysis is a little incomplete, though. You can certainly draw the conclusion that Conservative viewpoints dominate cable news and talk shows based on viewership from the data you presented. However, it isn't complete enough to make a claim the the media as a whole is right-wing minded. A total look at all media outlets is warranted. Talk shows and the relatively young Fox News are some of the few Conservative outlets, which may contribute to a high viewership through less competition.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading the linked articles you have posted, I'm a little confused on some accounts. The death panel piece almost certainly states that there will be death panels(?). By virtue of admitting that rationing will occur, there will certainly be those that are denied life saving care by a panel of experts. You may not like the moniker "death panel", but I doubt members of the Tea Party like being called Teabaggers or the families of 9/11 victims being told their loved ones were killed by a man-made disaster. The Muslim article is reporting on a survey conducted, without a single line of op-ed. A rare true news story. You are left to make your own decision. No one is saying Obama has raised taxes more than any other President. They are, however, saying he has spent more than every other President combined. Therein lies the spin, not the other way around. The crime article is legit as far as I can tell. Much ranting about the crime problem in Arizona that from the article doesn't appear to be true. Didn't get to the other ones...
Really good research done here for your article. Great breakdown of the viewership numbers. But really, both sides do this, they always have. Your blog seems to suggest that somehow the liberal side of the media is bereft of such nonsense or that they are somehow above it. Feels different this time around. There used to be conservative Democrats and Liberal Republicans, but everyone is all in now.
I will admit right off that I am so far over to the left from Shayne, that you may take my comments without regard for any validity; however, it is also fair to say that most people simply repeat what they hear. How else can anyone explain that high schoolers today, 9 years after 9/11, STILL believe the Iraq had something to do with that terrorist attack? Face it: there is no other explanation than essentially what Shayne argued above. And that is that the people with the loudest mouth get heard the most. You know, GRUNTBOX, GUNNER, and ANONYMOUS, that it is an absolute untruth that Iraq had anything to do with 9/11. Yet it was necessary to make Americans believe that in order to justify spending billions of YOUR tax dollars to go to war there. I am a high school teacher, and I am here to tell you that most 11th and 12th graders from this conservative rural town believe Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9/11. How else, if not Shayne's well-researched blog, can you explain a blatant lie being so thoroughly entrenched in popular American thought? You can't. Unless, of course, you are sheep. --Sincerely, John Flavin
ReplyDeleteJohn, You ever wonder how many people believe that that JFK was killed by one person (not many, 75% do not believe according it to Wikipedia), How many people believe that 9/11 was an inside job (most of Hollywood it seems) ? How many believe that the holocaust never happened (How many people live in Arab nations) ? How many people believe in UFO's yet we have yet to see physical evidence (well...I think I saw one) ?
ReplyDeleteTo pick Fox News and to lay the blame at their feet because 2.2m watch it a night, really ? Well there are also 1.4m that watch the others and another 2.8m that watch broadcast news...every night. So now we are at a 1 to 2 disadvantage for Fox News.
And the radio, well liberal talk show hosts suck, I mean come on... I have very liberal friends that listen to Rush just to yell at the radio...
So...lets get back to Iraq, I am someone that deeply... truly thinks we should not have gone into there until Afghanistan was finished, if we even needed to. That being said, we are in there, we need to finish it.
But...more to the point, neither Shayne nor yourself made any connection to Fox news promoting that 9/11 was Iraq's fault (not sure Shayne was going for that point so ignore this Shayne if you weren't ;) ) so I am left to think who is really the sheep here, who is making that leap without proof, or is it something that we just want to believe. Fox News has conservative slant...hence it is fox news fault.
Remember without any shred of evidence 75% think JFK was not killed by one man.
And I also don't think you can just take all the talk radio shows and add them up and say that there are 80 million, I bet (yet no proof) that most who listen to one, listen to them all or most...
And if you are watching Fox News or MSNBC, you are already prepositioned to believe what they say anyway, I just read a quote from a pretty highly regarded educator, I wish I could remember where I just saw that..., but he basically said, parents are too stupid to choose what is the right education or the right school for their children...and yet, these are the same people that vote for our President.
Anonymous One, you're right in that I didn't research or reference all media. I did however mention that during this election cycle, cable news is the choice for 80% of people looking for political news. That's the main reason I chose to concentrate on cable news. The other reason was the sheer volume of information out there and the time it would take as well as the length of the article. I did look at network news. What I found is this, there's no reason to believe they are biased. Even if they were they don't have huge ratings to make a huge difference. Add to that they only get 30 minutes a nite. Of that 30, only 20-22 minutes is news. Of that only 5-10 minutes is devoted to politics or social news. This makes network news a negligible force when it comes to influencing political views.
ReplyDeleteAs it pertains to the links in the first paragraph, I understand your confusion. Each individual link isn't necessarily supposed to disprove the lie only to illustrate that the perception is out there. I could clean that up and perhaps I may.
Again you are right in your claim that both sides attempt to get their message out. Sometimes it's not in an ethical manner. My point of the article is thus; Right Wing Media dominates cable news and talk radio and therefore has the capacity to dictate and influence the political argument like no other view or voice can. Additionally, this dominance can be dangerous when the message is misleading or in some case outright lies.
Again, thanks very much for reading and offering your voice to this discussion.
John, I couldn't agree more. In this poll in 2003 70% believe Saddam Hussein was directly responsible for 9/11, even though there was no proof. Another poll show showed similar results but showed that more Republicans believed this than other people. Why? Because the right wing propaganda machine was churning this lie out every minute of every day. Americans believed the lie because they heard the lie thousands of times. Trust me, when "We the people" go to war because of a lie(s) churned out by a powerful and irresponsible media, we have lost control.
ReplyDeleteGB, your first paragraph kind of makes my point. People will believe anything, even if it's nuts if they're told the lie enough. Between Fox news and talk radio, they are powerful enough do influence how we think and vote. Remember my example of Shirley Sherrod? They beat that dead horse until other networks and talk radio picked it up and the story went viral. I can guarantee that no other network has that sort of influence. More to the point, it's what I called the "right wing propaganda machine" which Fox and talk radio are an important part of, which is dangerous. There is nothing like it on the progressive side.
ReplyDeleteI did not try to tie Iraq to the machine though given a little research I could make that argument.
At any rate, I am truly appreciative of your interest and comments.
As for network news they have negligable influence. I wrote this in another comment "there's no reason to believe they are biased. Even if they were they don't have huge ratings to make a huge difference. Add to that they only get 30 minutes a nite. Of that 30, only 20-22 minutes is news. Of that only 5-10 minutes is devoted to politics or social news. This makes network news a negligible force when it comes to influencing political views.".
You get news from the so called propaganda machine that you cannot get from anywhere else...which is an absolute necessity if you are making an informed decision. How many people believe that the "Executive Order" banning abortion in the health-care bill would actually be effective? How many people actually believe that Sarah Palin is stupid? I'm interested to hear your Mr. Flavin says, let the sheep bah.
ReplyDeleteThis is Grabke...I was the first anonymous, I don't have a profile from the pull downs and forgot to sign my first post.
I didn't say but I did think you put some good effort into this...