
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dems need to grow a pair.

Democrats need to grow a pair. Or at least ask their wives or partners if they can take them to work every now and again. Seriously, when have they shown any huevos at all in the last decade? Oh, they talk a good game. They pound their fists and tell everyone how it will be when they get back in power. Then when it happens they roll over like a scared puppy and piss all over themselves. It really is discouraging.

Democrats steam rolled into power after a disastrous G Dub administration, with a sense of urgency and conviction. Then the country elected the most improbable candidate in modern history. Seriously, we elected a mixed race dude with a funny name and big ears. Why, because he promised change. He promised real change and with Democrats controlling both houses in congress there was nothing standing in his way.

So with a mandate from the people, Democrats decided to take on the big one, Health Care. The monster that is health care took down the Clintons, but Dems were sure they could do it this time. They had 60 votes in the Senate and with a couple of republicans, who would surely sign on that was more than enough. They already had a large majority in the House. So what did they do wrong? Two things; first, they thought they could negotiate with Republicans. Big mistake. That was never going to happen. Politicians in general and Republicans specifically, no longer do what's right for America. They do what's right for self and for party. The Dems had all the political clout they ever needed to pass health care in the manner in which they promised on the campaign trail. For some stupid reason, thought they could actually talk to the republicans. We all know what happened next. President Obama held out hoping for a bipartisan bill which never happened. All this did was allow the republican disinformation machine to take over. Death panels would kill old people and young people would be forced to work in coal mines to pay for the killing of old people. Oddly enough, the public thought this was a bad idea. The second thing they did wrong, they forgot how to negotiate. The ultimate goal for many Dems was national health care. What they would settle for is single payer. So what did the Dems offer to the republicans who weren't going to accept anything, anyway? A watered down version of single payer. Really? Here's my poor attempt at an analogy, The Dems had a car to sell. It was worth $5000 dollars. Break even was $2000. The republicans at that point had little choice but to accept the offer. So the Dems began negotiations at $1500 and the Republicans balked!!!!!! The republicans ended up getting the car for nothing plus free gas for a year! Dems should've grabbed a pair and forced the republicans to filibuster. They should've forced them to stand in front of a microphone and defend their pimps in the Health care industry to the American people. Instead they folded like the Lions fold to the Packers every year.

We're in a unique position to watch once again the lack of stones on the Democratic side. With SCOTUS Judge Stevens pending retirement, we get to see what the Dems are made of. Who are they going pick as a replacement? Will it be a progressive leaning candidate to balance the far right learching court or will it be someone to appease republicans? Drumroll please.......Oh forget it, you already know the answer. President Obama this week nominated US Solicitor General Elena Kagan. Now, I'm not here to argue for or against her. What I am going to say is that for the Democrats, SCOTUS nominations are generally an exercise in stonelessness (yes, I just made up a term). When the republicans are in a position to nominate a SCOTUS, they go all out. They don't fuck around. They nominate a guy that even right wing zealots say, "whoa that guy's out there!" Don't believe me? Take a look at an article in the US New and World report dated May 12, 2008 The article show that four of the top five most conservative judges of all time are currently serving on the court. I'll give republicans credit when they wield power they do not play around, they go all out. Dems on the other hand generally look for someone everyone can like. This of course really doesn't please anyone. Jim Hightower famously said, "There's Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos". There's a lot of truth to that. In the lead up to her announcement there was quite a bit of concern among liberals that she was not progressive enough to balance the court. I'm aware there are nuts on either side but these aren't who I'm talking about. The concern came from lawyers and politicos respected by both sides. Her choice again illustrates the gutlessness of the Dems.I understand the reasoning, with upcoming elections and the polls leaning to the right, the Dems fear that a progressive nominee would result in a protracted fight and push more voters to the right. Instead of holding to their convictions, they did the politically astute thing.

As we head to mid term elections in the fall we'll see who the real cowards are in the Democratic party. We'll watch how some will be more in line with Rush than with Obama just to get reelected in red leaning states. Instead of standing up and convincing voters why health care reform is important and why they passed the bill, some will hide from it. Instead of standing up for working class families some will sell out to big bidness. Instead of fixing the deregulation mistakes of the past they'll allow the republicans to dictate the argument.

So here's my plea, Mr and Mrs Democrat in congress or running for election, please, please, grow a pair. If you had a pair, please find them. Beg whoever is holding them for you to let you use them at least when you go to work. The future of our country depends on you showing your balls once in awhile.


  1. Alan Grayson has the biggest pair I'VE SEEN thus far. The Dems need to be walking lockstep behind this guy. He'll show them a thing or two. But unfortunately, with Obama and Rahm at the wheel I do not foresee that happening. My prediction for the upcoming future election is, a bunch of bat shit crazy teapartiers will get elected, and then the Dems will make friends with them and start referring to them as "my esteemed colleague across the aisle" and so on. Pretty soon they'll start voting more and more alike. But there still will be a few of my favorites still in the Senate. Bernie Sanders, Russ Feingold, Barbara Boxer. Actually, Deb Stabenow isn't too bad, except she keeps authorizing more war spending.

  2. Unfortunately I think you're right on most counts. The one exception, I don't think "bat shit crazy teapartiers" as you succinctly put it are going to gain many new seats. They will pick up some in districts which are already very conservative. The real danger is that they may push more moderates to the right.

  3. Interesting commentary Shayne. You sound a bit like Rush Limbaugh in reverse. He has stated the same exact case against the Republicans. You are right to point out that the Dems had the votes going in... why didn't they use them? Clearly the problem was within their own party, not with the Republicans and few Independents to which you ellude.

    It did take the Republicans a small learning curve on appointing Justices. GW did well in this regard though not successful everytime. Souter and O'conner were definitely not what the Republicans had intended. Ginsburg has certainly been what Clinton hoped she would be.

    There is alot of hot air on the health care debate from 'both sides' and very little thoughtful conversation. One is hard pressed to find any bill in Congress not covered in special interest money from all sides. Nor is there any desire, it seems, as a result of this fact to seek truly cogent and common sense advice on how to best accomplish reform. I have yet to see presented any sound case for increased centralization leading to greater efficiency and benefit for people of all races, creeds or economic stata.

  4. Chris, I whole heartedly agree that the Dems were to blame for not exercising the power the had. The republicans could do little if the Dems were united. Though this wasn't a part of the post, one of the biggest problem I have with republicans is they refuse to negotiate. If Obama is for it, they're against it. Please don't try to counter with "well, if the Dems were willing to compromise, then they would have". This sometimes hold true except when it comes to health care reform, most of what was passed was originally republican proposals.

  5. Preempting my response? lol I would not have gone there; I would have gone more toward the overt lack of cooperation by the Dems at every turn when the Reps have the White House. There are exceptions, of course. Two wrongs don't make a right as they say. Or is that two or too stupids don't make a smart. Oh, I forgot, we are trying to make sense of politics. More of an excercise in social science anaylsis. =_)


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