
Friday, May 7, 2010

Fred thinks he has Gas

So Fred goes to his doctor (a scientist) complaining of pain in his stomach. The doctor after reviewing the results from dozens of tests tells his patient the horrible news, "you have cancer and without treatment, you're going to die." Fred is dumbstruck, naturally he hates the news. He will not accept the diagnosis from his doctor so Fred seeks out a cancer specialist who gives him the same diagnosis, cancer. "This can't be", Fred says to himself. Cancer costs a lot of money to treat and I don't want the inconvenience of chemotherapy. So Fred goes out and seeks specialist after specialist, cancer, cancer, cancer each of them says. Fred still won't accept the diagnosis so he continues to see more specialists. In all Fred sees 260 of the world's best cancer experts. Of the 260 experts, 255 concur that Fred has cancer and will die without aggressive treatment. Still not convinced, Fred takes the advice of the five who told him he was fine, "probably a bad case of gas" they said. Satisfied and believing he only has gas, Fred walks out of the office with cancer spreading throughout his body.

If you haven't figured it out yet, Fred's body is the Earth but his mind however is right wing conservative and the 255 doctors are members of the prestigious U.S. National Academy of Sciences, including at least 11 Nobel laureates.

Despite, the greatest minds in the field of climate control overwhelmingly of the same opinion, conservatives for some unknown reason continue to fight against the obvious. I seriously don't get it. Is it a natural albeit stupid reaction against anything progressives believe? Or is it they're tendency to fight against science? I mean some of these morons actually believe that humans were created 6000 years ago and that Darwin was full of shit. Or is it something even more ridiculous? I mean c'mon these guys think like apes which in my opinion proves human evolution (de-evolution?).

Just to be fair, let's talk about the other arguement. Those in the extreme minority claim that the spike in climate warming is a natural trend that has played itself out throughout the history of the Earth. This might have some merit if the spike in temperature weren't so extreme and that increase in greenhouse gases correspond exactly with the rise in temperature.

Now, this isn't a scientific post that will bore you tears but here's a few excerpts from the scientists published in the journal Science (and stolen from The Huffington Post);

"We are deeply disturbed by the recent escalation of political assaults on scientists in general and on climate scientists in particular."

The essay continues:

"There is compelling, comprehensive, and consistent objective evidence that humans are changing the climate in ways that threaten our societies and the ecosystems on which we depend."

In recent months, a small minority of vocal climate deniers have been emboldened by minor errors identified in some of the international scientific assessments of climate change and by the publication of private email exchanges from some in the climate community. A recent independent commission in the UK, chaired by Lord Ron Oxburgh to review this debate, concluded that, "We found absolutely no evidence of impropriety whatsoever." The Science essay explicitly and strongly addresses these issues, saying:

" there is nothing remotely identified in the recent events that changes the fundamental conclusions about climate change:

* The planet is warming due to increased concentrations of heat-trapping gases in our atmosphere. A snowy winter in Washington does not alter this fact.
* Most of the increase in the concentration of these gases over the last century is due to human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.
* Natural causes always play a role in changing Earth's climate, but are now being overwhelmed by human-induced changes.
* Warming the planet will cause many other climatic patterns to change at speeds unprecedented in modern times, including increasing rates of sea-level rise and alterations in the hydrologic cycle. Rising concentrations of carbon dioxide are making the oceans more acidic.
* The combination of these complex climate changes threatens coastal communities and cities, our food and water supplies, marine and freshwater ecosystems, forests, high mountain environments, and far more."

I've never quite understood the problem conservatives have with science. I'm sure it stems from the bible not jiving with known facts from the science world. Even that's not something I understand. I mean as a small boy in bible class I knew that stories in the bible were just that, stories meant to give a greater meaning. Why these neo-conservative religious morons can not reconcile their religious beliefs with science is beyond me. Unfortunately, they never do. These are the same jack offs who put the thumbscrews to Galieo way back in the day.

So it's as simple as this, if you have cancer see a doctor (scientist). Or do as a conservative would do and pretend you have a bad case of gas and slowly die even as virtually every doctor around tells you to seek treatment. The problem with this is, as Fred ignores and fights against the truth, Fred is threatening to kill us all.


  1. Nice effort Shayne and a nice metaphor, but not really accurate.

  2. thanks for the feedback, love to hear why it's not accurate.

  3. I figured you would say that. Fairly predictable and not all that unreasonable. I suggest, if you haven't already done so that you look for some of the "Deniers", check their credentials for yourself and read what they have to say. I will give you one. Roy Spencer. I suggest that you read what he has to say and listen. He has done many interviews. He is nothing, if not a perfect and thoughtful gentlemen. The rest, which are many you will have to seek on your own as I have; on both sides of the issue.

  4. Regardless of who is 'right' on this issue, common sense dictates that good stewardship of all resources makes sense.

  5. I meant to say, "Christian Conservatism".

  6. Chris, I will take a look at Mr. Spencer's work. The problem with global warming deniers is that they are in the extreme minority. Some may have some interesting theories but when it comes to scientific theory, I generally take the side that has the most experts. Examples are evolution or the theory of relativity.

    I did lump the two together. I could of put a disclaimer stating that I don't believe all conservatives are religious zealots but I didn't. It does seem as if the religious right has a problem with modern science, therefore they are most likely to have a problem with the global warming theories. This lumps them with the average conservative who also deny global warming exists.

    Thank you very much for joining the discussion.

    I'm putting together a piece on the subject of Democrats being pussies. Look for that soon.

  7. Without the minority view science would come to a standstill. Galileo for instance.

    Food for thought. Evolution still has not solved the problem of origin and seems to work on a micro level, but is less convincing on the macro level.

    I appreciate your gracious response. I do enjoy the exchange.


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