Tuesday, May 11, 2010
In 2000 a New Englander with a history of failed businesses and 5 years in the governor's mansion in Austin, Texas was elected President of the United States in large part by gaining the support of the religious right. George Dubya's ascension would never have been possible if not for the political genius of Karl Rove who saw that by capitalizing on the perception of religious persecution he could win the religious right and in doing so pulling the entire conservative base to his candidate. As we all know now, it worked beautifully and with disastrous results.
It's now 2010 and it's clear that if the political reptile known as Sarah Palin makes a run for the White House, this is the path she will take. Like a reptile, she has little intelligence but is full of political instinct. This half term, Alaskan governor has no idea what is in the Constitution but can read a Tea Party bumper sticker with as much snark in her voice as the Fox News morning show discussing Obama's birthplace. She can turn bumper sticker quotes with the best of 'em and when she plays the religious card, she knows she doesn't have to make sense she only has to appear to the protector of faith.
We only have John McCain to blame for the Godzilla of stupid remarks and annoying winks. Being the maverick he no longer claims to be, he choose Palin to be his presidential running mate in large part because she was known to be a fundamentalist Christian. He needed the support of the same Christian right that GW rode to power with. So, without understanding the horror he was about to unleash, he put her in tight skirts, high heels and five hundred dollar glasses and put her on stage. For that, I'll never forgive you, John McCain.
While it's not clear she will run, it is clear that she will do whatever it takes to keep the Palin family rolling in souped up snow machines and unlimited WalMart spending sprees. That means we can expect her to continue to use religion to forward her goals. This in itself may not scare some of you but it might if you knew she believes our laws should be based on the ten commandments(interviewed on the O'Reilly show, Fox News). For those of you who need a Sunday school primer there are some no brainers in the ten commandments . "thou shall not murder" is one that I'm a fan of. But what about, "do not have other gods before me"? or "But the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work—you, your son or your daughter, your male or female slave, your livestock, or the alien resident in your towns."? I mean no one is going to tell me when my slave can work or rest. I mean, am I right people?
It's no secret that GW was a religious man. There were times when I was worried that if he had the opportunity he would push our country towards theocracy. Sarah Palin on the other hand would. All this horseshit about constitution and individual rights would be thrown right out the door if she had the opportunity. Would the Tea Party stand up for my rights then? I doubt it.
If Palinzilla runs in 2012 remember this post. And remember this, nobody gonna tell me what to do with my male or female slave.
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Ug. Shayne I get it that you don't like the "Republicans" in any form at this point, but is there any more to these issues than rhetoric? I don't mean that personally, though I can see that it may be hard to take it in any other way. How about some analysis? Thoughtful, reasoned, substantiated with some philosophical core principles to define an underlying point of view with an orientation toward some solutions. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, that is not a sound platform to run on for any party. The reaching down to help people by the Democrats (and Reps) is nice rhetoric, but these are political animals on both sides of the proverbial aisle. No matter how well intended a 'program' may be the results still matter. There is nothing compassionate about giving people the illusion that they have been helped when they have not in fact been helped. Any politician that would surf the wave of feel good sentiments created by a pattern of good intentions without taking a time out to look at the outcome is not being a good servant to the people. I guess I am more interested in how we as a nation get to this reality based approach to governing and away from the largley media driven rhetoric in all directions. No one is thinking for themselves and human nature's ugly tendency to seek the approval of whatever group will get them re-elected makes me ill. If the politicians won't change their behavior then we must change our behavior by speaking through logical solution oriented dialogue without getting side tracked by all of the BS that serves only the political establishment and the advertising revenues for the media. These politicians are playing the electorate like a violin. This incredible social media available via the internet allows us to have a real exchange of thoughtful sincere ideas the likes of which we have never had in all of human history. Are we going to waste this opportunity, remain weak minded bufoons at the disposal of the manipulation machine in Washington or are we going to take on one issue at a time, dump the over generalizing and work toward a cultural change that will truly do some good? Frankly, I see nothing but ever increasing loss of mutual respect among people if we don't change our path. When I reach across the table and take the hand of one individual at a time with two ears and one mouth, only then is a valued relationship created. Without this effort I fear we will all remain victums to our own complacency.
ReplyDeletesp 'victims'
ReplyDeleteMy first reaction upon reading your comments was to second guess what I'd written so far. So, I went back and looked at all my posts. I wanted to see if it was all fluff without substance. After review, I'm happy with what I've written. So far, I've written about politics (damning Dems and Repubs though mostly Repubs), Perception and violence and global warming.
Have I been hard on Republicans? Absolutely and with good reason. When necessary I've added facts and/or analysis to make my point, but my intention for this blog is to give my opinion and hopefully be at least slightly entertaining while doing so. It is not my intention to bore myself or anyone else with a myriad of facts or in depth analysis though at times I might.
For the record, I am not a Democrat. Since 94' I've voted Democratic most of the time but it really is a matter of the lesser of two evils, type of thing. At some point I'll write in detail what's wrong with modern Republicans but that's going to take some time and a very large post. Here's a short summary; the modern Republican cares little for working class people, time in again they attack the middle class and support big business (see the oil slick in the gulf)at the expense of the middle class. They are racist (don't believe me?, research the Southern Strategy and draw your own conclusions), for lack of any real policies which would attract middle America, they use fear to attract voters (yes, Dems do it too, but not like the Repubs), they are hawkish and reckless causing Americans to die needlessly, they pander to the religious right to a point which is frightening, oh and they are the definition of hypocrisy, especially as it pertains to morals, etc.... I could go on and on but like I said I'll save it for another day.
When necessary I'll slam Dems, too.
I appreciate your comments and hope you'll check back and comment often. Your insight is very welcomed. Thanks, Shayne
Thanks for the reply Shayne. I am sure I will have comments here and there, but I must say there are far more important issues in life. Without writing an entire paper I don't think I can make my thoughts any more clear. Even with all the imperfections that I can find in my own writing the message still seems to come through clearly enough. I was hoping for less rhetoric and a more one issue at a time environment. I will not find it here, though it does exist in some small places. It's a shame.
ReplyDeleteThe parties certainly pander and their policies intended or not have negative racial impacts, especially social programs and wage policies. The hypocrisy is rampent in both parties and freedom of speech is at risk at times from the right, but more often from the left these days. There are few that truly work from a core philosophy and as such have no consistent way to deal with any issue.
It is up to us and it seems that that conversation will not happen in this forum. Such is life. As I said, there are far more important issues than those of Washington and the political world. Nuff said, better to just read what I wrote the last time. If I have not been heard by now, I may never be heard.
Perhaps I should have just put this one in the 'rant' category. =)