Sunday, May 30, 2010
Flashback to 2007 and the presidential race. Republicans drunk with delusion really believed they were going to win the White House. I mean, how could they not? They had the all star team of McCain and Palin. They were running against a black guy name Barack Hussein Obama. Hell, according to them he wasn't even an American. Wasn't he born in Kenya?
According to each candidate the race was about this policy or that policy. What it really was about was culture. Nothing makes this assertion more clear than the stupid chant of "drill baby drill!". On the surface this chant seems to relate to our energy policy but it isn't. It's always been about culture. The differences between the left and the right.
Now, I'm certain many knuckle dragging RWC (right wing conservatives) actually believed that by drilling off shore in American waters we could actually solve our energy needs. Of course this is complete fallacy and they are complete morons. If we tapped every available source of oil off our shores we wouldn't reduce our dependency on foreign oil one little bit. What most of the idiots chanting "drill baby drill" actually meant is "look here you stupid tree hugging idiots, it's just this simple, if you get out of our way and let us handle things we'll solve all our energy problems in days". At least that's what it sounded like to me. They seemed to be saying that that the solutions are simple and that progressives were holding up our energy independence.
But we knew better. We knew that offshore drilling came with a price that most of us weren't willing to pay. We knew that big business is interested in making money at the risk of all else including our environment. We knew that after eight years of the Bush/Cheney Oil Administration, that drilling safety measures had been watered down. We knew we could not trust oil companies to drill safely. We knew.
Fast forward to present day. Millions of gallons of crude oil is now floating in the pristine waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Tens of thousands of Americans, many still reeling from hurrican Katrina and the lack of government response are in danger of losing their livliehoods for years or forever. The gulf environment looks to be damaged for decades or generations. But what's the big deal? Oil is natural so says Rush Limbaugh. All of this happened because BP in cahoots with a business friendly Minerals Management Service office, put profit in front of safety.
Now, I (we) get no pleasure from saying "I told you so". RWCs need to understand that most issues are more complex and can not be solved with an idiotic chant. They need to understand that when we bow to big business real people can be effected. They need to understand how to "shut the fuck up".
So the next time a RWC like Sarah (no brains) Palin gives an interview but actually says nothing but bumper sticker statements which have no meaning, tell her to "shut the fuck up".
So RWC, here's the deal, either come to the table with real ideas and the intent to actually work with the other side or "shut the fuck up".
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Isn't that the truth. Even taxes...conservatives claim to be anti-tax hikes, but good luck finding a cheaper daycare (K-12 education), hired security (police), reliable pavers (safe and passable roads & highways) without paying taxes. Conservatives are willing to pay taxes so long as THEY directly benefit, but the minute their fellow American benefits and they don't, well then, I suppose patriotism is too much to ask. The BP spill contains evidence of everything that is wrong with our economic system...and we can blame Republicans and Democrats for that.
I really enjoyed this particular rant. Thanks Shayne.
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate you guys taking the time to read my stuff. Thank you very much.